Silvio Danese, medico Gastroenterologo.
Il Prof. Silvio Danese è direttore della Divisione di Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva all’ Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano.
Il Dott. Silvio Danese ha conseguito la laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia e la specializzazione in Gastroenterologia presso l’Università Cattolica del S. Cuore – Policlinico Gemelli di Roma.
Nel 2004 ha terminato il dottorato di ricerca, alla Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland in Ohio, USA.
L’attività clinica e di ricerca del Prof. Silvio Danese è rivolta principalmente allo studio dei meccanismi patogenetici delle malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali (IBD), e ai meccanismi d’azione dell’impiego di nuovi farmaci biologici nella terapia del morbo di Crohn e della rettocolite ulcerosa.
Il Dr. Silvio Danese è attivamente coinvolto in molti progetti di ricerca di base e studi clinici per il trattamento di pazienti affetti da IBD, in collaborazione con numerosi centri italiani, europei e americani.
Il Prof. Silvio Danese è membro di molte società scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali di Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva, è diventato Presidente della ECCO (European Crohn´s and Colitis Organization) dopo aver ricoperto il ruolo di segretario dal 2012 al 2015, ed è membro di IOIBD (International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases).
Il Prof. Silvio Danese organizza e partecipa ogni anno a numerosi congressi in qualità di relatore e responsabile scientifico, inclusi ECCO, UEGW, DDW, FISMAD ed ha pubblicato oltre 500 articoli su riviste ad alto impact factor.
Titolo | Autori |
Introduction | Dignass A, Allez M, Danese S, Marteau P. |
New targeted therapies such as anti-adhesion molecules, anti-IL-12/23 and anti-Janus kinases are looking toward a more effective treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. | Bravatà I, Fiorino G, Allocca M, Repici A, Danese S. |
European Consensus on the diagnosis and management of iron deficiency and anaemia in inflammatory bowel diseases. | Dignass AU, Gasche C, Bettenworth D, Birgegàyrd G, Danese S, Gisbert JP, Gomollon F, Iqbal T, Katsanos K, Koutroubakis I, Magro F, Savoye G, Stein J, Vavricka S; on behalf of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO). |
Etrolizumab in Ulcerative Colitis: Tightening Leukocyte Traffic Control in the Inflamed Mucosa. | Fiorino G, Danese S. |
The triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM) in inflammatory bowel disease pathogenesis. | Genua M, Rutella S, Correale C, Danese S. |
Intestinal myofibroblast-specific Tpl2-Cox-2-PGE2 pathway links innate sensing to epithelial homeostasis. | Roulis M, Nikolaou C, Kotsaki E, Kaffe E, Karagianni N, Koliaraki V, Salpea K, Ragoussis J, Aidinis V, Martini E, Becker C, Herschman HR, Vetrano S, Danese S, Kollias G. |
Tralokinumab for moderate-to-severe UC: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase IIa study. | Danese S, Rudziàski J, Brandt W, Dupas JL, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Bouhnik Y, Kleczkowski D, Uebel P, Lukas M, Knutsson M, Erlandsson F, Hansen MB, Keshav S. |
Anaemia from a patient perspective in inflammatory bowel disease: results from the European Federation of Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis Association’s online survey. | Danese S, Hoffman C, Vel S, Greco M, Szabo H, Wilson B, Avedano L. |
Comparing histological activity indexes in UC. | Bressenot A, Salleron J, Bastien C, Danese S, Boulagnon-Rombi C, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Development of the lèmann index to assess digestive tract damage in patients with Crohn’s disease. | Pariente B, Mary JY, Danese S, Chowers Y, De Cruz P, D’Haens G, Loftus EV Jr, Louis E, Panés J, Schölmerich J, Schreiber S, Vecchi M, Branche J, Bruining D, Fiorino G, Herzog M, Kamm MA, Klein A, Lewin M, Meunier P, Ordas I, Strauch U, et al. |
Development of Drugs to Target Interactions Between Leukocytes and Endothelial Cells and Treatment Algorithms for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. | Danese S, Panès J. |
Editorial: medical challanges in inflammatory bowel disease: quo vadis in disease complexity? | Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Iron deficiency: the hidden miscreant in inflammatory bowel disease. | Allocca M, Fiorino G, Danese S. |
Catching the therapeutic window of opportunity in early Crohn’s disease. | Danese S, Fiorino G, Fernandes C, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Preventing diverticulitis recurrence by selecting the right therapy for a complex disease. | Tursi A, Danese S. |
Use of biosimilars in inflammatory bowel disease: Statements of the Italian Group for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. | Annese V, Vecchi M; Italian Group for the Study of IBD (IG-IBD); IG-IBD Governing Board; IG-IBD Governing Board. |
Patient and physician views on the quality of care in inflammatory bowel disease: Results from SOLUTION-1, a prospective IG-IBD study. | Bortoli A, Daperno M, Kohn A, Politi P, Marconi S, Monterubbianesi R, Castiglione F, Corbellini A, Merli M, Casella G, D’Incà R, Orlando A, Bossa F, Doldo P, Lecis P, Valpiani D, Danese S, Comberlato M; Italian Group for the study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD). |
VEGF-C-dependent stimulation of lymphatic function ameliorates experimental inflammatory bowel disease. | D’Alessio S, Correale C, Tacconi C, Gandelli A, Pietrogrande G, Vetrano S, Genua M, Arena V, Spinelli A, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Fiocchi C, Danese S. |
Viewpoint: Knowledge and viewpoints on biosimilar monoclonal antibodies among members of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization. | Danese S, Fiorino G, Michetti P. |
Melanoma cell therapy: Endothelial progenitor cells as shuttle of the MMP12 uPAR-degrading enzyme. | Laurenzana A, Biagioni A, D’Alessio S, Bianchini F, Chillà A, Margheri F, Luciani C, Mazzanti B, Pimpinelli N, Torre E, Danese S, Calorini L, Del Rosso M, Fibbi G. |
Long-term combination therapy with infliximab plus azathioprine predicts sustained steroid-free clinical benefit in steroid-dependent ulcerative colitis. | Armuzzi A, Pugliese D, Danese S, Rizzo G, Felice C, Marzo M, Andrisani G, Fiorino G, Nardone OM, De Vitis I, Papa A, Rapaccini GL, Guidi L. |
The biosimilar road in inflammatory bowel disease: the right way? | Fiorino G, Danese S. |
The urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (uPAR) controls macrophage phagocytosis in intestinal inflammation. | Genua M, D’Alessio S, Cibella J, Gandelli A, Sala E, Correale C, Spinelli A, Arena V, Malesci A, Rutella S, Ploplis VA, Vetrano S, Danese S. |
Biological agents for moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. | Danese S, Fiorino G, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Lucenteforte E, Virgili G, Moja L, Bonovas S. |
Blockade of lymphocyte trafficking in inflammatory bowel diseases therapy: importance of specificity of endothelial target. | Allocca M, Fiorino G, Vermeire S, Reinisch W, Cataldi F, Danese S. |
Complementary and alternative medicine in inflammatory bowel diseases: what is the future in the field of herbal medicine? | Gilardi D, Fiorino G, Genua M, Allocca M, Danese S. |
Proximal collagenous gastroenteritides: clinical management. A systematic review. | Nielsen OH, Riis LB, Danese S, Bojesen RD, Soendergaard C. |
Chronic inflammatory diseases: do immunological patterns drive the choice of biotechnology drugs? A critical review. | Sozzani S, Abbracchio MP, Annese V, Danese S, De Pità O, De Sarro G, Maione S, Olivieri I, Parodi A, Sarzi-Puttini P. |
Microscopic features of colorectal neoplasia in inflammatory bowel diseases. | Bressenot A, Cahn V, Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
The use of biosimilars in immune-mediated disease: A joint Italian Society of Rheumatology (SIR), Italian Society of Dermatology (SIDeMaST), and Italian Group of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IG-IBD) position paper. | Fiorino G, Girolomoni G, Lapadula G, Orlando A, Danese S, Olivieri I; SIR, SIDeMaST, and IG-IBD. |
Combination therapy with infliximab and azathioprine is superior to monotherapy with either agent in ulcerative colitis. | Panaccione R, Ghosh S, Middleton S, Mà¡rquez JR, Scott BB, Flint L, van Hoogstraten HJ, Chen AC, Zheng H, Danese S, Rutgeerts P. |
EMA response to ECCO position statement on biosimilars. | Danese S, Gomollon F, Michetti P. |
Safety and efficacy of sodium hyaluronate (IBD98E) in the induction of clinical and endoscopic remission in subjects with distal ulcerative colitis. | Fiorino G, Gilardi D, Naccarato P, Sociale OR, Danese S. |
Management of gastrointestinal and liver diseases during pregnancy. | Van der Woude CJ, Metselaar HJ, Danese S. |
IBD in 2013: enriching the therapeutic armamentarium for IBD. | Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Does anti-TNF therapy cost so many COINs? | Roblin X, Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Preoperative magnetic resonance enterography in predicting findings and optimizing surgical approach in Crohn’s disease. | Spinelli A, Fiorino G, Bazzi P, Sacchi M, Bonifacio C, De Bastiani S, Malesci A, Balzarini L, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Montorsi M, Danese S. |
Dose optimization is effective in ulcerative colitis patients losing response to infliximab: a collaborative multicentre retrospective study. | Cesarini M, Katsanos K, Papamichael K, Ellul P, Lakatos PL, Caprioli F, Kopylov U, Tsianos E, Mantzaris GJ, Ben-Horin S, Danese S, Fiorino G. |
Inflammatory bowel diseases and psychological issues: A new approach for a systematic analysis of the academic debate. | Barello S, Leone D, Danese S, Vegni E. |
Roseburia hominis: a novel guilty player in ulcerative colitis pathogenesis? | Tilg H, Danese S. |
New therapeutic avenues in ulcerative colitis: thinking out of the box. | Torres J, Danese S, Colombel JF. |
Anti-IL-6 treatment for inflammatory bowel diseases: next cytokine, next target. | Allocca M, Jovani M, Fiorino G, Schreiber S, Danese S. |
Advances in therapeutic interventions targeting the vascular and lymphatic endothelium in inflammatory bowel disease. | D’Alessio S, Tacconi C, Fiocchi C, Danese S. |
Anaemia management in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: routine practice across nine European countries. | Stein J, Bager P, Befrits R, Gasche C, Gudehus M, Lerebours E, Magro F, Mearin F, Mitchell D, Oldenburg B, Danese S. |
FOXP3+T regulatory cell modifications in inflammatory bowel disease patients treated with anti-TNFa agents. | Guidi L, Felice C, Procoli A, Bonanno G, Martinelli E, Marzo M, Mocci G, Pugliese D, Andrisani G, Danese S, De Vitis I, Papa A, Armuzzi A, Rutella S. |
New mechanisms and targets for IBD Therapy: translational gastroenterology comes of age. | Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Cross-sectional imaging modalities in Crohn’s disease. | Allocca M, Fiorino G, Danese S. |
Vedolizumab for the treatment of IBD: a selective therapeutic approach targeting pathogenic a4b7 cells. | Jovani M, Danese S. |
Vedolizumab as induction and maintenance therapy for Crohn’s disease. | Sandborn WJ, Feagan BG, Rutgeerts P, Hanauer S, Colombel JF, Sands BE, Lukas M, Fedorak RN, Lee S, Bressler B, Fox I, Rosario M, Sankoh S, Xu J, Stephens K, Milch C, Parikh A; GEMINI 2 Study Group. |
Vedolizumab as induction and maintenance therapy for ulcerative colitis. | Feagan BG, Rutgeerts P, Sands BE, Hanauer S, Colombel JF, Sandborn WJ, Van Assche G, Axler J, Kim HJ, Danese S, Fox I, Milch C, Sankoh S, Wyant T, Xu J, Parikh A; GEMINI 1 Study Group. |
Validation of endoscopic activity scores in patients with Crohn’s disease based on a post hoc analysis of data from SONIC. | Ferrante M, Colombel JF, Sandborn WJ, Reinisch W, Mantzaris GJ, Kornbluth A, Rachmilewitz D, Lichtiger S, D’Haens GR, van der Woude CJ, Danese S, Diamond RH, Oortwijn AF, Tang KL, Miller M, Cornillie F, Rutgeerts PJ; International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. |
Comparison between 1.5 and 3.0 Tesla magnetic resonance enterography for the assessment of disease activity and complications in ileo-colonic Crohn’s disease. | Fiorino G, Bonifacio C, Padrenostro M, Sposta FM, Spinelli A, Malesci A, Balzarini L, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Danese S. |
IBD: Golimumab in ulcerative colitis: a ‘mènage à trois’ of drugs. | Danese S. |
Paradoxical immune-mediated inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease patients receiving anti-TNF-α agents. | Fiorino G, Danese S, Pariente B, Allez M. |
Anti-IL-13 in inflammatory bowel disease: from the bench to the bedside. | Jovani M, Fiorino G, Danese S. |
Adalimumab in active ulcerative colitis: a real-life” observational study.” | Italian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Armuzzi A, Biancone L, Daperno M, Coli A, Pugliese D, Annese V, Aratari A, Ardizzone S, Balestrieri P, Bossa F, Cappello M, Castiglione F, Cicala M, Danese S, D’Incà R, Dulbecco P, Feliciangeli G, Fries W, Genise S, Gionchetti P, Gozzi S, et al. |
Colorectal cancer in inflammatory bowel disease: results of the 3rd ECCO pathogenesis scientific workshop (I). | Sebastian S, Hernà¡ndez V, Myrelid P, Kariv R, Tsianos E, Toruner M, Marti-Gallostra M, Spinelli A, van der Meulen-de Jong AE, Yuksel ES, Gasche C, Ardizzone S, Danese S. |
ECCO position statement: the use of biosimilar medicines in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). | Danese S, Gomollon F; Governing Board and Operational Board of ECCO. |
Assessment of anti-prothrombin antibodies in thrombosis complicating inflammatory bowel diseases. | Saibeni S, Etchevers MJ, Tassies D, Panès J, Reverter JC, Danese S, Piquè JM, Bruno S, Vecchi M, Gasbarrini A, Sans M. |
Anti-TNF and skin inflammation in IBD: a new paradox in gastroenterology? | Niess JH, Danese S. |
Tofacitinib: janus bifrons in ulcerative colitis treatment. | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Danese S. |
Role of bowel ultrasound as a predictor of surgical recurrence of Crohn’s disease. | Cammarota T, Ribaldone DG, Resegotti A, Repici A, Danese S, Fiorino G, Sarno A, Robotti D, Debani P, Bonenti G, Pellicano R, Andrealli A, Sapone N, Simondi D, Bresso F, Astegiano M. |
First-line therapy in adult Crohn’s disease: who should receive anti-TNF agents? | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Fiorino G, Buisson A, Danese S. |
Infliximab in steroid-dependent ulcerative colitis: effectiveness and predictors of clinical and endoscopic remission. | Armuzzi A, Pugliese D, Danese S, Rizzo G, Felice C, Marzo M, Andrisani G, Fiorino G, Sociale O, Papa A, De Vitis I, Rapaccini GL, Guidi L. |
Once-daily budesonide MMX in active, mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis: results from the randomised CORE II study. | Travis SP, Danese S, Kupcinskas L, Alexeeva O, D’Haens G, Gibson PR, Moro L, Jones R, Ballard ED, Masure J, Rossini M, Sandborn WJ. |
Effect of tumor necrosis factor-α blockade on mucosal addressin cell-adhesion molecule-1 in Crohn’s disease. | Biancheri P, Di Sabatino A, Rovedatti L, Giuffrida P, Calarota SA, Vetrano S, Vidali F, Pasini A, Danese S, Corazza GR, MacDonald TT. |
Mesenchymal stromal cells in inflammatory bowel disease: conspirators within the ‘colitogenic niche’? | Danese S, Rutella S, Vetrano S. |
Genetic factors conferring an increased susceptibility to develop Crohn’s disease also influence disease phenotype: results from the IBDchip European Project. | Cleynen I, Gonzà¡lez JR, Figueroa C, Franke A, McGovern D, Bortlàk M, Crusius BJ, Vecchi M, Artieda M, Szczypiorska M, Bethge J, Arteta D, Ayala E, Danese S, van Hogezand RA, Panès J, Peà±a SA, Lukas M, Jewell DP, Schreiber S, Vermeire S, Sans M. |
Colitis, microbiota, and colon cancer: an infernal triangle. | Vetrano S, Danese S. |
Stopping infliximab in Crohn’s disease: still an ongoing STORI. | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Danese S. |
Development of the Paris definition of early Crohn’s disease for disease-modification trials: results of an international expert opinion process. | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Billioud V, D’Haens G, Panaccione R, Feagan B, Panès J, Danese S, Schreiber S, Ogata H, Hibi T, Higgins PD, Beaugerie L, Chowers Y, Louis E, Steinwurz F, Reinisch W, Rutgeerts P, Colombel JF, Travis S, Sandborn WJ. |
New and emerging therapies for inflammatory bowel disease. | Danese S. |
Bacterial sensor triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 regulates the mucosal inflammatory response. | Correale C, Genua M, Vetrano S, Mazzini E, Martinoli C, Spinelli A, Arena V, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Caprioli F, Passini N, Panina-Bordignon P, Repici A, Malesci A, Rutella S, Rescigno M, Danese S. |
Second European evidence-based consensus on the diagnosis and management of ulcerative colitis part 3: special situations. | Van Assche G, Dignass A, Bokemeyer B, Danese S, Gionchetti P, Moser G, Beaugerie L, Gomollà³n F, Hà¤user W, Herrlinger K, Oldenburg B, Panes J, Portela F, Rogler G, Stein J, Tilg H, Travis S, Lindsay JO; European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation. |
Challenges to the design, execution, and analysis of randomized controlled trials for inflammatory bowel disease. | D’Haens G, Feagan B, Colombel JF, Sandborn WJ, Reinisch W, Rutgeerts P, Carbonnel F, Mary JY, Danese S, Fedorak RN, Hanauer S, Lèmann M; International Organization for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IOIBD) and the Clinical Trial Committee Clincom of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO). |
Regulatory T-cell therapy for Crohn’s disease: in vivo veritas. | Danese S, Fiorino G, Rutella S. |
Short-term outcomes of laparoscopy combined with enhanced recovery pathway after ileocecal resection for Crohn’s disease: a case-matched analysis. | Spinelli A, Bazzi P, Sacchi M, Danese S, Fiorino G, Malesci A, Gentilini L, Poggioli G, Montorsi M. |
Leukoapheresis in Crohn’s disease: the final curtain? | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Danese S. |
Increased expression of CD133 is a strong predictor of poor outcome in stage I colorectal cancer patients. | Reggiani Bonetti L, Migaldi M, Caredda E, Boninsegna A, Ponz De Leon M, Di Gregorio C, Barresi V, Scannone D, Danese S, Cittadini A, Sgambato A. |
Second-generation corticosteroids for the treatment of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis: more effective and less side effects? | De Cassan C, Fiorino G, Danese S. |
Adalimumab in ulcerative colitis: ready for prime time. | Danese S. |
Bowel damage assessment in Crohn’s disease by magnetic resonance imaging. | Fiorino G, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Danese S. |
Imaging modalities for perianal Crohn’s disease. | Spinelli A, De Cassan C, Sacchi M, Bazzi P, Danese S, Malesci A, Balzarini L, Montorsi M. |
The role of magnetic resonance imaging in detecting intestinal fibrosis in Crohn’s disease. | Fiorino G, Cesarini M, Malesci A, Danese S, Sorrentino D. |
Editorial. Imaging inflammatory bowel disease: looking beyond the mucosa. | Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
IBD: Mucosal healing–EXTENDing our knowledge in Crohn’s disease. | Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Laparoscopic surgery for recurrent Crohn’s disease. | Spinelli A, Sacchi M, Bazzi P, Leone N, Danese S, Montorsi M. |
Early diagnosis and treatment of postoperative endoscopic recurrence of Crohn’s disease: partial benefit by infliximab–a pilot study. | Sorrentino D, Terrosu G, Paviotti A, Geraci M, Avellini C, Zoli G, Fries W, Danese S, Occhipinti P, Croatto T, Zarifi D. |
Integrated models of care in managing inflammatory bowel disease: a discussion. | Mikocka-Walus AA, Andrews JM, Bernstein CN, Graff LA, Walker JR, Spinelli A, Danese S, van der Woude CJ, Goodhand J, Rampton D, Moser G. |
Rifaximin-extended intestinal release induces remission in patients with moderately active Crohn’s disease. | Prantera C, Lochs H, Grimaldi M, Danese S, Scribano ML, Gionchetti P; Retic Study Group (Rifaximin-Eir Treatment in Crohn’s Disease). |
New therapies for inflammatory bowel disease: from the bench to the bedside. | Danese S. |
Surgical conduct in case of intraoperative detection of a Meckel’s diverticulum in Crohn’s disease. | Spinelli A, Bazzi P, Spaggiari P, Danese S, Montorsi M. |
Unexpected role of anticoagulant protein C in controlling epithelial barrier integrity and intestinal inflammation. | Vetrano S, Ploplis VA, Sala E, Sandoval-Cooper M, Donahue DL, Correale C, Arena V, Spinelli A, Repici A, Malesci A, Castellino FJ, Danese S. |
MRI in Crohn’s disease–current and future clinical applications. | Fiorino G, Bonifacio C, Malesci A, Balzarini L, Danese S. |
TNF+ inhibitors restrict T cell activation and cycling via Notch-1 signalling in inflammatory bowel disease. | Werner L, Berndt U, Paclik D, Danese S, Schirbel A, Sturm A. |
Ulcerative colitis. | Danese S, Fiocchi C. |
Colitis-associated cancer: the dark side of inflammatory bowel disease. | Danese S, Malesci A, Vetrano S. |
Balanced propofol sedation administered by nonanesthesiologists: The first Italian experience. | Repici A, Pagano N, Hassan C, Carlino A, Rando G, Strangio G, Romeo F, Zullo A, Ferrara E, Vitetta E, Ferreira Dde P, Danese S, Arosio M, Malesci A. |
Results from the 2nd Scientific Workshop of the ECCO. I: Impact of mucosal healing on the course of inflammatory bowel disease. | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Ferrante M, Magro F, Campbell S, Franchimont D, Fidder H, Strid H, Ardizzone S, Veereman-Wauters G, Chevaux JB, Allez M, Danese S, Sturm A; Scientific Committee of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization. |
Risk of postoperative recurrence and postoperative management of Crohn’s disease. | Spinelli A, Sacchi M, Fiorino G, Danese S, Montorsi M. |
Familial aggregation in inflammatory bowel disease: is it genes or environment? | Nunes T, Fiorino G, Danese S, Sans M. |
Effects of immunosuppression on immune response to pneumococcal vaccine in inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective study. | Fiorino G, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Naccarato P, SzabಠH, Sociale OR, Vetrano S, Fries W, Montanelli A, Repici A, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Development of the first disability index for inflammatory bowel disease based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health. | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Cieza A, Sandborn WJ, Coenen M, Chowers Y, Hibi T, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G, Colombel JF; International Programme to Develop New Indexes for Crohn’s Disease (IPNIC) group. |
Development of the Crohn’s disease digestive damage score, the Lèmann score. | Pariente B, Cosnes J, Danese S, Sandborn WJ, Lewin M, Fletcher JG, Chowers Y, D’Haens G, Feagan BG, Hibi T, Hommes DW, Irvine EJ, Kamm MA, Loftus EV Jr, Louis E, Michetti P, Munkholm P, Oresland T, Panès J, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Reinisch W, Sands BE, et al. |
Adalimumab for ulcerative colitis: a little is better than none? | Danese S. |
Ulcerative colitis: a cinderella story. | Danese S. |
Biological therapy for ulcerative colitis: what is after anti-TNF. | Fiorino G, Cesarini M, Danese S. |
Probiotic sonicates selectively induce mucosal immune cells apoptosis through ceramide generation via neutral sphingomyelinase. | Angulo S, Morales A, Danese S, Llacuna L, Masamunt MC, Pultz N, Cifone MG, De Simone C, Delgado S, Vila J, Panès J, Donskey C, Fernà¡ndez-Checa JC, Fiocchi C, Sans M. |
Infliximab therapy inhibits inflammation-induced angiogenesis in the mucosa of patients with Crohn’s disease. | Rutella S, Fiorino G, Vetrano S, Correale C, Spinelli A, Pagano N, Arena V, Maggiano N, Repici A, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Intestinal microbiota in inflammatory bowel disease: friend of foe? | Fava F, Danese S. |
What’s hot in inflammatory bowel disease in 2011? | Danese S. |
IBD: of mice and men-shedding new light on IL-13 activity in IBD. | Danese S. |
Farnesoid X receptor activation inhibits inflammation and preserves the intestinal barrier in inflammatory bowel disease. | Gadaleta RM, van Erpecum KJ, Oldenburg B, Willemsen EC, Renooij W, Murzilli S, Klomp LW, Siersema PD, Schipper ME, Danese S, Penna G, Laverny G, Adorini L, Moschetta A, van Mil SW. |
Immune and nonimmune components orchestrate the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease. | Danese S. |
Role of the vascular and lymphatic endothelium in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease: ‘brothers in arms’. | Danese S. |
Involvement of CD40-CD40 ligand in uncomplicated and refractory celiac disease. | Di Sabatino A, Rovedatti L, Vetrano S, Vidali F, Biancheri P, Rescigno M, Danese S, Macdonald TT, Corazza GR. |
Adalimumab in ulcerative colitis: hypes and hopes. | Fiorino G, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Repici A, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Report of the ECCO pathogenesis workshop on anti-TNF therapy failures in inflammatory bowel diseases: definitions, frequency and pharmacological aspects. | Allez M, Karmiris K, Louis E, Van Assche G, Ben-Horin S, Klein A, Van der Woude J, Baert F, Eliakim R, Katsanos K, Brynskov J, Steinwurz F, Danese S, Vermeire S, Teillaud JL, Lèmann M, Chowers Y. |
Effects of pegylated G-CSF on immune cell number and function in patients with gynecological malignancies. | Bonanno G, Procoli A, Mariotti A, Corallo M, Perillo A, Danese S, De Cristofaro R, Scambia G, Rutella S. |
Advanced age is an independent risk factor for severe infections and mortality in patients given anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy for inflammatory bowel disease. | Cottone M, Kohn A, Daperno M, Armuzzi A, Guidi L, D’Inca R, Bossa F, Angelucci E, Biancone L, Gionchetti P, Ardizzone S, Papi C, Fries W, Danese S, Riegler G, Cappello M, Castiglione F, Annese V, Orlando A. |
Mesenteric vascular thromboembolism in inflammatory bowel disease: a single center experience. | Jackson CS, Fryer J, Danese S, Vanagunas A, Polensky S, Buchman AL. |
Infliximab and azathioprine for Crohn’s disease: a super-sonic combination? | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Danese S. |
MicroRNAs in autoimmunity and inflammatory bowel disease: crucial regulators in immune response. | Iborra M, Bernuzzi F, Invernizzi P, Danese S. |
Leukocyte traffic control: a novel therapeutic strategy for inflammatory bowel disease. | Fiorino G, Correale C, Fries W, Repici A, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Mucosal biomarkers in inflammatory bowel disease: key pathogenic players or disease predictors? | Scaldaferri F, Correale C, Gasbarrini A, Danese S. |
Treatment of relapsing mild-to-moderate ulcerative colitis with the probiotic VSL#3 as adjunctive to a standard pharmaceutical treatment: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. | Tursi A, Brandimarte G, Papa A, Giglio A, Elisei W, Giorgetti GM, Forti G, Morini S, Hassan C, Pistoia MA, Modeo ME, Rodino’ S, D’Amico T, Sebkova L, Sacca’ N, Di Giulio E, Luzza F, Imeneo M, Larussa T, Di Rosa S, Annese V, Danese S, et al. |
Narrow-band imaging endoscopy to assess mucosal angiogenesis in inflammatory bowel disease: a pilot study. | Danese S, Fiorino G, Angelucci E, Vetrano S, Pagano N, Rando G, Spinelli A, Malesci A, Repici A. |
Efficacy of a potent and safe vitamin D receptor agonist for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. | Laverny G, Penna G, Vetrano S, Correale C, Nebuloni M, Danese S, Adorini L. |
Colorectal cancer screening: dying en route? | Danese S, Laghi L, Repici A, Malesci A. |
Anti TNF-alpha treatment for Crohn’ disease: manage a trois | Danese S. |
Emerging biologics in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease: what is around the corner? | Fiorino G, Rovida S, Correale C, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Efficacy of TNF antagonists beyond one year in adult and pediatric inflammatory bowel diseases: a systematic review. | Oussalah A, Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Regulation of leukocyte recruitment by the long pentraxin PTX3. | Deban L, Russo RC, Sironi M, Moalli F, Scanziani M, Zambelli V, Cuccovillo I, Bastone A, Gobbi M, Valentino S, Doni A, Garlanda C, Danese S, Salvatori G, Sassano M, Evangelista V, Rossi B, Zenaro E, Constantin G, Laudanna C, Bottazzi B, Mantovani A. |
Crohn’s disease: bacterial clearance in Crohn’s disease pathogenesis. | Fava F, Danese S. |
Interleukin-6: a therapeutic Jekyll and Hyde in gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases. | Danese S, Gao B. |
Enhanced platelet adhesion induces angiogenesis in intestinal inflammation and inflammatory bowel disease microvasculature. | Rutella S, Vetrano S, Correale C, Graziani C, Sturm A, Spinelli A, De Cristofaro R, Repici A, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Inhibitors of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase: a review of novel patented lead compounds. | Di Pucchio T, Danese S, De Cristofaro R, Rutella S. |
The protein C pathway in tissue inflammation and injury: pathogenic role and therapeutic implications. | Danese S, Vetrano S, Zhang L, Poplis VA, Castellino FJ. |
The lymphatic system controls intestinal inflammation and inflammation-associated Colon Cancer through the chemokine decoy receptor D6. | Vetrano S, Borroni EM, Sarukhan A, Savino B, Bonecchi R, Correale C, Arena V, Fantini M, Roncalli M, Malesci A, Mantovani A, Locati M, Danese S. |
Endoscopic mucosal resection for early colorectal neoplasia: pathologic basis, procedures, and outcomes. | Repici A, Pellicano R, Strangio G, Danese S, Fagoonee S, Malesci A. |
Molecular signaling blockade as a new approach to inhibit leukocyte-endothelial interactions for inflammatory bowel disease treatment. | Scaldaferri F, Correale C, Gasbarrini A, Danese S. |
Internet use among inflammatory bowel disease patients: an Italian multicenter survey. | Angelucci E, Orlando A, Ardizzone S, Guidi L, Sorrentino D, Fries W, Astegiano M, Sociale O, Cesarini M, Renna S, Cassinotti A, Marzo M, Quaglia A, Sergi MD, Simondi D, Vernia P, Malesci A, Danese S. |
The role of JAM-A in inflammatory bowel disease: unrevealing the ties that bind. | Vetrano S, Danese S. |
Platelet-derived hyaluronidase 2 cleaves hyaluronan into fragments that trigger monocyte-mediated production of proinflammatory cytokines. | de la Motte C, Nigro J, Vasanji A, Rho H, Kessler S, Bandyopadhyay S, Danese S, Fiocchi C, Stern R. |
The role of MAPK in governing lymphocyte adhesion to and migration across the microvasculature in inflammatory bowel disease. | Scaldaferri F, Sans M, Vetrano S, Correale C, Arena V, Pagano N, Rando G, Romeo F, Potenza AE, Repici A, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Oral beclomethasone: a review of its use in inflammatory bowel disease. | Danese S, Angelucci E, Marconi S, Repici A, Malesci A. |
VEGF-A links angiogenesis and inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease pathogenesis. | Scaldaferri F, Vetrano S, Sans M, Arena V, Straface G, Stigliano E, Repici A, Sturm A, Malesci A, Panes J, Yla-Herttuala S, Fiocchi C, Danese S. |
Budesonide: teaching an old dog new tricks for inflammatory bowel disease treatment. | Angelucci E, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Nonimmune cells in inflammatory bowel disease: from victim to villain. | Danese S. |
Closure of perianal fistula using adalimumab in a Crohn’s disease patient naive to antitumor necrosis factor alpha antibodies. | Malesci A, Angelucci E, Bonifacio C, Sociale O, Omodei P, Repici A, Balzarini L, Danese S. |
Innate immunity in Crohn’s disease: the reverse side of the medal. | Dessein R, Chamaillard M, Danese S. |
Does the mucosal microcirculation play a role in IBD? | Danese S, Deban L. |
PAI-1 and TAFI in inflammatory bowel disease: the yin and yang of the fibrinolytic system. | Danese S, Papa A. |
Step-up and top-down approaches to the treatment of Crohn’s disease: early may already be too late. | Peyrin-Biroulet L, Bigard MA, Malesci A, Danese S. |
Galectin-4 controls intestinal inflammation by selective regulation of peripheral and mucosal T cell apoptosis and cell cycle. | Paclik D, Danese S, Berndt U, Wiedenmann B, Dignass A, Sturm A. |
Early combined immunosuppression in Crohn’s disease. | Danese S, Peyrin-Biroulet L. |
Unique role of junctional adhesion molecule-a in maintaining mucosal homeostasis in inflammatory bowel disease. | Vetrano S, Rescigno M, Cera MR, Correale C, Rumio C, Doni A, Fantini M, Sturm A, Borroni E, Repici A, Locati M, Malesci A, Dejana E, Danese S. |
Anti-adhesion molecule therapies in inflammatory bowel disease: touch and go. | Stefanelli T, Malesci A, De La Rue SA, Danese S. |
New insights into inflammatory bowel disease pathophysiology: paving the way for novel therapeutic targets. | Stefanelli T, Malesci A, Repici A, Vetrano S, Danese S. |
Tolerance in intestinal inflammation and cancer. | Vulcano M, Danese S, Sica A. |
Inflammatory bowel disease and inflammation-associated colon cancer: partners in crime. | Danese S. |
Multiple pathogenic roles of microvasculature in inflammatory bowel disease: a Jack of all trades. | Deban L, Correale C, Vetrano S, Malesci A, Danese S. |
The protein C pathway in inflammatory bowel disease: the missing link between inflammation and coagulation. | Lust M, Vulcano M, Danese S. |
Vascular involvement in inflammatory bowel disease: pathogenesis and clinical aspects. | Papa A, Scaldaferri F, Danese S, Guglielmo S, Roberto I, Bonizzi M, Mocci G, Felice C, Ricci C, Andrisani G, Fedeli G, Gasbarrini G, Gasbarrini A. |
Cytapheresis in inflammatory bowel diseases: current evidence and perspectives. | Danese S, Angelucci E, Stefanelli T, Omodei P, Luigiano C, Finazzi S, Pagano N, Repici A, Vecchi M, Malesci A. |
Successful induction of clinical response and remission with certolizumab pegol in Crohn’s disease patients refractory or intolerant to infliximab: a real-life multicenter experience of compassionate use. | Danese S, Mocciaro F, Guidi L, Scribano ML, Comberlato M, Annese V, Colombo E, Stefanelli T, Marzo M, Vangeli M, Pulitano’ R, Manca A, Armuzzi A, Malesci A, Prantera C, Cottone M. |
Assessment and grading of mucosal inflammation in colonic diverticular disease. | Tursi A, Brandimarte G, Elisei W, Giorgetti GM, Inchingolo CD, Danese S, Aiello F. |
Negative regulators of angiogenesis in inflammatory bowel disease: thrombospondin in the spotlight. | Danese S. |
Dendritic cells, TGF-beta, and Integrin alphavbeta8 in inflammatory bowel disease: a tolerogenic mènage à trois”.” | Danese S, de la Rue SA, Rutella S. |
WallFlex colonic stent placement for management of malignant colonic obstruction: a prospective study at two centers. | Repici A, De Caro G, Luigiano C, Fabbri C, Pagano N, Preatoni P, Danese S, Fuccio L, Consolo P, Malesci A, D’Imperio N, Cennamo V. |
Galectin-2 induces apoptosis of lamina propria T lymphocytes and ameliorates acute and chronic experimental colitis in mice. | Paclik D, Berndt U, Guzy C, Dankof A, Danese S, Holzloehner P, Rosewicz S, Wiedenmann B, Wittig BM, Dignass AU, Sturm A. |
Acute small-bowel perforation secondary to capsule endoscopy. | Repici A, Barbon V, De Angelis C, Luigiano C, De Caro G, Hervoso C, Danese S, Preatoni P, Pagano N, Comunale S, Pennazio M, Rizzetto M. |
Successful treatment of fistulizing Crohn’s disease with certolizumab pegol. | Danese S, Stefanelli T, Omodei P, Zatelli S, Bonifacio C, Balzarini L, Repici A, Malesci A. |
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha monoclonal antibodies for Crohn’s disease: tipping the balance. | Danese S, Pagano N, Angelucci E, Stefanelli T, Repici A, Omodei P, Daperno M, Malesci A. |
Proteomic analysis of the inflamed intestinal mucosa reveals distinctive immune response profiles in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. | Berndt U, Bartsch S, Philipsen L, Danese S, Wiedenmann B, Dignass AU, Hà¤mmerle M, Sturm A. |
Crucial role of the protein C pathway in governing microvascular inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease. | Scaldaferri F, Sans M, Vetrano S, Graziani C, De Cristofaro R, Gerlitz B, Repici A, Arena V, Malesci A, Panes J, Grinnell BW, Danese S. |
Inflammation and the mucosal microcirculation in inflammatory bowel disease: the ebb and flow. | Danese S. |
Immune regulation by microvascular endothelial cells: directing innate and adaptive immunity, coagulation, and inflammation. | Danese S, Dejana E, Fiocchi C. |
Biological agents for ulcerative colitis: hypes and hopes. | Danese S, Angelucci E, Malesci A, Caprilli R. |
Epithelial NEMO links innate immunity to chronic intestinal inflammation. | Nenci A, Becker C, Wullaert A, Gareus R, van Loo G, Danese S, Huth M, Nikolaev A, Neufert C, Madison B, Gumucio D, Neurath MF, Pasparakis M. |
Enhanced recruitment of CX3CR1+ T cells by mucosal endothelial cell-derived fractalkine in inflammatory bowel disease. | Sans M, Danese S, de la Motte C, de Souza HS, Rivera-Reyes BM, West GA, Phillips M, Katz JA, Fiocchi C. |
Metal stents for malignant colorectal obstruction. | Repici A, Pagano N, Hervoso CM, Danese S, Nicita R, Preatoni P, Malesci A. |
Angiogenesis blockade as a new therapeutic approach to experimental colitis. | Danese S, Sans M, Spencer DM, Beck I, Doà±ate F, Plunkett ML, de la Motte C, Redline R, Shaw DE, Levine AD, Mazar AP, Fiocchi C. |
Inflammation and coagulation in inflammatory bowel disease: The clot thickens. | Danese S, Papa A, Saibeni S, Repici A, Malesci A, Vecchi M. |
Etiopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases. | Danese S, Fiocchi C. |
Biological therapies for inflammatory bowel disease: research drives clinics. | Danese S, Semeraro S, Armuzzi A, Papa A, Gasbarrini A. |
Angiogenesis as a novel component of inflammatory bowel disease pathogenesis. | Danese S, Sans M, de la Motte C, Graziani C, West G, Phillips MH, Pola R, Rutella S, Willis J, Gasbarrini A, Fiocchi C. |
Tolerogenic dendritic cells: cytokine modulation comes of age. | Rutella S, Danese S, Leone G. |
Alterations of mesenchymal and endothelial cells in inflammatory bowel diseases. | Fiocchi C, Ina K, Danese S, Leite AZ, Vogel JD. |
Hepatocyte growth factor favors monocyte differentiation into regulatory interleukin (IL)-10++IL-12low/neg accessory cells with dendritic-cell features. | Rutella S, Bonanno G, Procoli A, Mariotti A, de Ritis DG, Curti A, Danese S, Pessina G, Pandolfi S, Natoni F, Di Febo A, Scambia G, Manfredini R, Salati S, Ferrari S, Pierelli L, Leone G, Lemoli RM. |
TNF-alpha blockade down-regulates the CD40/CD40L pathway in the mucosal microcirculation: a novel anti-inflammatory mechanism of infliximab in Crohn’s disease. | Danese S, Sans M, Scaldaferri F, Sgambato A, Rutella S, Cittadini A, Piquè JM, Panes J, Katz JA, Gasbarrini A, Fiocchi C. |
Extraintestinal manifestations in inflammatory bowel disease. | Danese S, Semeraro S, Papa A, Roberto I, Scaldaferri F, Fedeli G, Gasbarrini G, Gasbarrini A. |
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor: a novel mediator of T cell tolerance. | Rutella S, Zavala F, Danese S, Kared H, Leone G. |
Antibody to alpha4beta7 integrin for ulcerative colitis. | Danese S, De la Rue SA, Gasbarrini A. |
Redox equilibrium in mucosal T cells tunes the intestinal TCR signaling threshold. | Reyes BM, Danese S, Sans M, Fiocchi C, Levine AD. |
Platelet activation and the CD40/CD40 ligand pathway: mechanisms and implications for human disease. | Danese S, Fiocchi C. |
Homocysteine triggers mucosal microvascular activation in inflammatory bowel disease. | Danese S, Sgambato A, Papa A, Scaldaferri F, Pola R, Sans M, Lovecchio M, Gasbarrini G, Cittadini A, Gasbarrini A. |
High prevalence of celiac disease in patients with lactose intolerance. | Ojetti V, Nucera G, Migneco A, Gabrielli M, Lauritano C, Danese S, Zocco MA, Nista EC, Cammarota G, De Lorenzo A, Gasbarrini G, Gasbarrini A. |
CD40L-positive platelets induce CD40L expression de novo in endothelial cells: adding a loop to microvascular inflammation. | Danese S, Scaldaferri F, Papa A, Pola R, Gasbarrini A, Sgambato A, Cittadini A. |
Inflammatory bowel disease: the role of environmental factors. | Danese S, Sans M, Fiocchi C. |
Platelets in inflammatory bowel disease: clinical, pathogenic, and therapeutic implications. | Danese S, Motte Cd Cde L, Fiocchi C. |
Cutting edge: T cells trigger CD40-dependent platelet activation and granular RANTES release: a novel pathway for immune response amplification. | Danese S, de la Motte C, Reyes BM, Sans M, Levine AD, Fiocchi C. |
Helicobacter pylori eradication down-regulates matrix metalloproteinase-9 expression in chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer. | Danese S, Papa A, Gasbarrini A, Ricci R, Maggiano N. |
CD40-mediated immune-nonimmune cell interactions induce mucosal fibroblast chemokines leading to T-cell transmigration. | Vogel JD, West GA, Danese S, De La Motte C, Phillips MH, Strong SA, Willis J, Fiocchi C. |
Review article: inherited thrombophilia in inflammatory bowel disease. | Papa A, Danese S, Grillo A, Gasbarrini G, Gasbarrini A. |
Platelets trigger a CD40-dependent inflammatory response in the microvasculature of inflammatory bowel disease patients. | Danese S, de la Motte C, Sturm A, Vogel JD, West GA, Strong SA, Katz JA, Fiocchi C. |
Thrombopoietin serum levels in patients with inflammatory bowel disease with and without previous thromboembolic events. | Papa A, Danese S, Piccirillo N, Toriani-Terenzi C, Bartolozzi F, Piscaglia AC, Grillo A, Leone G, Gentiloni-Silveri N, Gasbarrini G, Gasbarrini A. |
Atherosclerosis and inflammatory bowel disease: sharing a common pathogenic pathway? | Danese S, Fiocchi C. |
High rate of helicobacter pylori re-infection in patients affected by type 1 diabetes. | Ojetti V, Pitocco D, Bartolozzi F, Danese S, Migneco A, Lupascu A, Pola P, Ghirlanda G, Gasbarrini G, Gasbarrini A. |
Genetic and nutritional predictors of hyperhomocysteinemia in inflammatory bowel disease. | Papa A, Danese S, Gasbarrini G, Gasbarrini A. |
Data | Evento e relazione | Programma |
30 GENNAIO 2015 | IBD REWIND, Milano | |
31 GENNAIO 2015 | Corso di Aggiornamento Le Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche Intestinali: Hot Topics – Nocera Inferiore (SA) |
18-21 FEBBRAIO 2015 | ECCO – Barcellona | |
14 MARZO 2015 | INCONTRO MEDICI – PAZIENTI, con AMICI Onlus | > Scarica il programma |
8-9 APRILE 2015 | INDEX 2015, Milano | |
18 APRILE 2015 | Hot Topics in gastroenterologia dalle malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali alla diagnostica non invasiva, Bergamo | > Scarica il programma |
21-22 MAGGIO 2015 | INDEX 2015, Milano |
Data | Evento e relazione |
GENNAIO 2014 | GEDII – Lisbona |
4 FEBBRAIO 2014 | Hot Topics in gastroenterologia dalla evidenza alla pratica clinica |
13 FEBBRAIO 2014 | Secondo Workshop di Economia e Farmaci per le Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche Intestinali – WEF-IBD 2014 |
15 MARZO 2014 | A.M.I.C.I. incontro di aggiornamento: le malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali. |
19-22 MARZO 2014 | FISMAD |
9 GIUGNO 2014 | Clinical Challenges in IBD Management: from literature data to clinical practice. |
10 GIUGNO 2014 | Patologie intestinali: le recenti acquisizioni |
19-21 GIUGNO 2014 | 5TH International Live Endoscopy Course |
4 SETTEMBRE 2014 | Novità terapeutiche nel trattamento dell’anemia nelle IBD e le nuove linee guida ECCO 2014: dalla diagnosi alla terapia. |
17-18 SETTEMBRE 20142-3 OTTOBRE 2014 | INDEX 2014 |
29-30 SETTEMBRE – 1 OTTOBRE 2014 | 3RD CONFERENCE of translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases. |
18 NOVEMBRE 2014 | La proctologia nel 2014: quello che il medico di medicina generale deve sapere, dal sintomo alla cura. |
4 DICEMBRE 2014 | Sustaining Effectiveness of Anti-TNF alpha in Ulcerative Colitis |
Data | Evento e relazione |
24 GENNAIO 2013 | IBD Forum malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali |
24-25 GENNAIO 2013 | “Humanitas – Careggi Tandem Live IBD Course – watch and learn” |
7 FEBBRAIO 2013 | “Hot Topics in gastroenterologia: dall’evidenza alla pratica clinica” |
23 FEBBRAIO 2013 | A.M.I.C.I. incontro di aggiornamento: le malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali. |
MAGGIO 2013 | DDW |
13-15 GIUGNO 2013 | 4TH International Live Endoscopy Course |
17 SETTEMBRE 2013 | La proctologia nel 2013: quello che il medico di medicina generale deve sapere, dal sintomo alla cura. |
18-19 SETTEMBRE 2013 2-3 OTTOBRE 2013 |
22 OTTOBRE 2013 | Novità diagnostiche non invasive in gastroenterologia: i Breath Tests |